We have made some modifications in our parish precautions concerning the coronavirus, now that the CDC has modified its guidance such that persons who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus are no longer advised to wear masks under most circumstances, even indoors. Metro Nashville has also announced the the city mask mandate and most other restrictions have been lifted. Concurrently, the bishop has informed the pastors of the diocese that ongoing covid-related precautions are now left to our full discretion within each individual parish. The vaccine has now been available to all adults in our area for long enough that nearly everyone who desires to be fully vaccinated would have had ample opportunity to complete that process. In light of those factors, we are announcing the following:
Gratitude. As before, the first words are those of gratitude to everyone in the parish: our whole community has shown exceptional patience and understanding as we have navigated these uncharted waters together. We can be proud of the response we have shown as a parish, which has been both prudent and careful, but also reasonable and measured. Thank you!
Masks. In light of the above, we have removed the signs on the doors which indicated the required wearing of masks. Of course anyone who wishes to continue wearing a mask is free to do so. If this modification is a source of consternation to anyone, please recall: the obligation to attend Mass
never appliesif a grave cause makes it impossible to attend. If, for personal, professional, family, or any other reasons, you are concerned about your health and wish to be vaccinated but have not yet had the opportunity to do so, that situation would certainly represent this kind of grave cause. If you are uncertain whether this exception applies to you, but remain uncomfortable about being at Mass for any reasonable cause, please contact Fr Hammond for a personal dispensation for a few weeks longer, which Father is able to give on an individual basis as pastor. Please contact Fr Hammond also if you have specific concerns about receiving Holy Communion, in order to arrange an agreeable accommodation.
Other Ongoing Precautions. For the time being, we are not resuming the distribution of the Precious Blood in common cups, or recommencing the full expression of the communal “Sign of Peace.” As always, if you have a gluten-related issue that prevents receiving the consecrated host, please contact Fr Hammond to make arrangements to receive the Precious Blood in an individual chalice. Many have adopted the practice of a friendly nod or physical contact limited to immediate family at the time of the Sign of Peace at Mass, which is certainly a reasonable and praiseworthy approach to continue, even if we do not announce “Let us offer each other the Sign of Peace” for a while longer. For the time being, we also continue to ask those who receive Holy Communion on the tongue to come to Fr. Hammond's line only at the Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses, or at the end of communion on Wednesday. We continue our regular and thorough cleaning of the church and diligent hand hygiene.
Continuing Discernment. This remains an ongoing situation, and we will continue to be nimble and responsive to the realities around us. Once again,
thank you for your understanding, patience, and faithfulness during this extraordinary time.