The Church throughout the world is currently participating in a process known as a SYNOD. A synod is a periodic gathering of bishops from all over the world to discuss matters of importance to the Church. The next synod of bishops, to be held in 2023, is wide-reaching.
The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has asked that the 2023 Synod seek and consider a wide range of insights from throughout the whole Church and the world. We now have the opportunity to participate as a parish community and offer our insights about the life of the Church to be considered by the bishops when they gather next year.
Since we have a relatively small and tight-knit parish, we have the opportunity for each and every person's voice to be heard directly. To that end, we will have two means of participation available: feel free to participate in one, both, or neither, as you wish.
For those who wish to provide general thoughts and insights about the life of the Church, feel free to complete the diocesan survey provided by Bishop Spalding at the following website:
For those who wish to give more detailed and thorough insights, the outstanding laypeople providing leadership for the synod in our diocese have created a list of questions and discussion topics, and you may click here to view these detailed synod discussion questions. For those who wish to answer these more in-depth questions, please submit your responses to Robin Baskin in the parish office. You may provide responses in writing by e-mail to Robin, by mail to the parish office, or by dropping off a sealed envelope in the collection basket. You may respond anonymously if you prefer. In order to collate and present our parish insights to the synod leadership in the diocese, please make sure your responses are received by April 15, 2022.
For any questions, please contact Robin at [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful participation in this important initiative of the worldwide Church.