1. We have arrived at another weekend! Please join me and Bishop Spalding at 10:30 am on Sunday for our Sunday celebration of Mass, at watchmass.com. There are also links at the same website to various livestreams at local parishes, taking place at many different days and times.
2. I have posted another video message for the weekend: please watch at https://youtu.be/QYW81pRPqe4 or on the parish website.
3. In my video message, I strongly recommend watching Pope Francis’ incredible Urbi et Orbi blessing from Friday afternoon. It is well worth the hour you will spend to watch the incredibly stunning visual power of Pope Francis walking and standing alone, and giving a blessing to the world with the Blessed Sacrament. His words are also inspiring and profound. You can watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/JcUqLrbi9Cg.
4. Remember that there are other excellent options available to you as well for staying active in worship and in your Faith. I encourage you to take full advantage of our formed.org subscription and the resources available at dioceseofnashville.com/formation.
5. Please know that, for as long as civil and church regulations permit and the health situation warrants, the church will continue to be open two hours per day, 5:00 pm-7:00 pm on weekdays, and 11:00 am-1:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and confessions continue to be available, again as long as health and legal circumstances permit.
6. Finally, remember that we are still a parish family! I continue to offer Mass and pray for you every single day. We will get through this! Thanks to everyone who has continued to support the parish financially by mailing in envelopes or setting up online giving. A reminder that, if you have not already done so, online giving is a safe and convenient way to support the parish, especially in a time like this. You can sign up at https://osvonlinegiving.com/4758.
God bless you all, and let’s continue to pray for each other! Fr Hammond